On Monday, Facebook live was about “None of my business” , not living my life focusing on what others think of me. Easier said than done, right? I wanted to suggest a couple of ideas that may help you do that more effectively.
When people meditate, they often use a mantra. A mantra is a statement or a slogan that is repeated often and either serves to help us focus and relax, or to be part of my consciousness. For me, I will say things like “I am more than enough” or “today is going to be amazing” or “I am a successful woman”. I say it even when I am having trouble believing it, because repetition will serve to have it become part of my belief system. I sometimes write it out and keep it in a location, on my desk, or on today’s date of my day timer, any place where I can remind myself to say it. What could your mantra be? How can you remind yourself to repeat it throughout the day?
Another tip is, well this is also because I may be a bit of a horder, is to keep cards and botes that people give me in a file. Seems like Im giving mixed messages, right? If I am trying to be self reliant then why would I encourage looking at nice comments form others. Because that the essence of integrating data from outside sources to remember and own really special parts of me. If someone writes me a card about how I have really helped him or her, I value that peiece of information. When I may be struggling with how I feel about myself, I may take out that card and look at it and it can help reinforce a positive me attitude.
Two more tips tomorrow
Fyi: I will be starting a codependency group on June 9, 2018 and it runs for 6 Saturdays in a row. The face to face group is from 1-3 pm in my office and the online, Zoom group is 3:30 to 5:30, est. The cost of each group is $25 per group and there is a 10% discount offered if all 6 groups are paid on the first day.
Very excited about this group